Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fools Rush In and Vote Romney-Obama

Fools rush in and vote for Mitt Romney:

What a whore

Fools rush in and vote for Barack Obama-Soetoro-Davis-Durham (if that is his real name):

What a whore

I don’t have to really say much in this post.  Both candidates are liars, which is what flip-flopping really is.  How can you trust either of them to effectively rule this nation when both of them are the biggest tool-bags in politics today?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Willard “Mitt” Romney the Loser

Now that the Republican National Convention is in full swing, I can’t help but not really care all that much.  It isn’t that I didn’t want a candidate to be nominated (I did want Ron Paul to win), it’s just that I am not all that enthusiastic about the loser who will take the nomination.

Willard “Mitt” Romney is a losing candidate.  He lost to John McCain in 2008.  John McCain was a candidate who could not beat out George W. Bush in 2000, so what does that say about Romney?  If the current trend of Republican Presidential nominees holds, I think we’ll see a potted houseplant running in 2020.

The Republican party does not seem to want to change with the times either.  Their leaders are Hell-bent on sticking the dated social issues, which they never seem to resolve once in office, and the tired old Cold War-era mentality when it comes to foreign policy.

What really frustrates me about the Republican party is that they are touted by many conservatives as the party for the constitutionalists, yet no where on their platform is there ever an indication that the GOP would move us in that direction.  While I believe that the United States Constitution is an imperfect document written by imperfect people, it is the contract between the people of this nation and the states of this to determine how they would be governed.

Yet everywhere I look, I see one Republican after another touting all these lofty ideals with not so much as a peep about the United States Constitution.  It is almost as if that whole document, which is the basis for law and the Republic system we all live under, does not exist.

What is even more frustrating is that the people who are supposedly conservative are supporting Willard the loser because they somehow think that President Obama would be worse.  Yet they can only speculate on what a President Romney would do in place of President Obama.  So far, Romney has not called out Obama on his murder of innocent citizens, the unlawful arrests of veterans, the support of al-Qaeda led groups in Muslims nations, and the expansion of Presidential power to include the unlawful detainment of citizens for reasons of security.  I can only assume that Romney whole-heartedly embraces that power.

Romney is a loser, by and large, though because he fails to inspire people.  The best he can do is to claim that he is not Obama, without citing the differences, and that only gets you so far.  Eventually, people will begin to realize that he has no big ideas or a better plan.  If anything, Romney may only win because President Obama simply does not want the job anymore (which also seems to be case).

Sure Romney is not Obama.  But is that alone a reason to vote for him?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Distraction News: Rep. Todd Akin and Legit Rape

More distracting news: Rep. Todd Akin made a misstatement on Sunday during an interview regarding abortion and rape.  Here is his exact quote as transcribed (since most media and youtubers seems to be condensing it to fit their political agenda):

"From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. ... If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down ... .

"But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child."

The “a legitimate rape” phrase was, at best, a poor choice of words on his part.  Replace them with “forcible sex” and you have the same meaning I’m fairly sure Rep. Akin was trying to convey.

Naturally, Rep. Todd Akin has been disowned by everyone in America because he didn’t choose his words carefully.  Apparently, most people are too lazy to do a little research into the topic.

Now, I don’t know if what he was saying is true.  I imagine that if a woman is subjected to sex against her will, she might not provide the fluids needed for the sperm to survive and swim up to the egg.  This does not mean that pregnancy cannot result, just that it is very unlikely in an actual rape.  But don’t take my word for it ladies because I don’t really know, nor do I care to because I have no interest in rape, not even Japanese manga tentacle rape.

One thing I would like to point out is that I think Rep. Akin should not have fallen into the abortion trap.  Congressional Republicans in both houses have made it clear that they have no interest in overturning Roe v. Wade as evidenced by the almost universal non-support of Rep. Ron Paul’s many attempts to do so through legislative measures.  If they really cared about the matter, they would have all co-signed the bill, brought to the floor for debate, and voted to pass it back when President Bush Junior had control of things.

The dirty little secret about the whole Abortion debate in national politics is that the Republicans have little else to count on besides the vote of those who are socially conservative.  By claiming to be pro-life, they basically are given a free pass on just about every other issue.  Hell, half of the conservatives who voted for John McCain in 2008 did so for that sole reason.  None of them ever really liked John McCain, but because he was pro-life, he was their man.  Of course, the same cannot be said for Willard “Mitt” Romney, but I digress.

Honestly, I don’t care whether or not Todd Akin wins his Senate race anymore than I care whether or not Romney or Obama win.  In fact, I care much less because all I see these days is two sides to the same corporatist coin with very little to distinguish between both parties.

In any case, the abortion issue still continues to be a divisive non-issue on the national level because of the stupidity of the dumb masses to see that they are being used by the parties to corner a large portion of voters for themselves.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy (Belated) National Inflation Day!

Two days and 41 years ago, President Richard “Dick” Nixon took the Federal Reserve off of the gold standard (or what was left of it).  In essence, all US dollars were now backed by debt rather than partially by gold:

The only permanent government program is a temporary one.

Now, this was all part of the now proven failed Keynesian model of economics.  Here’s John Maynard Keynes himself talking about abandoning the gold standard:

See the semen on his mustache?

Abandoning the gold standard has only led to more instability and more inflation than previously realized:

Notice that while inflation relatively stable, while trending upward, it wasn’t until 1971 that it starts to shoot up in a linear fashion.  That was the same year that President Nixon decided to take us completely off the gold standard, temporarily for good, in order to save us from foreign speculators.

Although I have some disagreements with some Austrian economists, it is clear that their theories on fiat currency and its relation to inflation are correct.  Inflation is the increase in the supply of money, not the increase in prices in the market.  Without a gold standard, Congress allowed the Federal Reserve to turn on the printing presses and pushed banks to lend money out to everyone with a face.  This increased the money supply and drove up the costs of living for everyone.

Without a gold standard or some other commodity-based reserve style, we have given Congress free reign to borrow with impunity and to not give a damn about the future because they’ll just inflate away the debt by creating more of it.  It’s a massive spiral that they believe they can continue to ride out every year.  And no matter what party is in power, at the end of the day we still have an unbalanced budget and the destruction of the personal savings of the common man.  Meanwhile, the international banksters make off with all the riches and end up foreclosing on whole countries like Italy and Greece (what else do you call it when an unelected banker is put in charge of a nation?).

As a result of this, people have to resort to risky investments with mutual funds in order to try and beat inflation.  It is commonly accepted wisdom in the financial world that you need at least 8% interest in order to beat inflation.  The only way to achieve that is to invest in financial products that no common person really understands nor should they.

In light of this, I am declaring a new holiday that we should all observed, in a manner similar to observing a funeral of a tragically murdered friend or relative.  Let’s call it National Inflation Day and we should celebrate every year on August 15th.  We should remember that the promises of politicians, their economists, and other assorted scoundrels is always a lie.  Their assertions are, at best, wishful thinking with a complete lack of understanding of basic human nature.

So mark you calendars.  August 15th shall be know as National Inflation Day in the United States.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bill Gates’ Toilet Folly

Found this gem from the man who wants to forcibly sterilize the population via vaccines:

Microsoft co-founder turned global philanthropist Bill Gates on Tuesday launched a search for a new toilet better suited to developing countries.

The charitable foundation founded by Gates and his wife kicked off a "Reinvent the Toilet Fair" in Seattle and awarded prizes for promising innovations.

"Toilets are extremely important for public health and, when you think of it, even human dignity," Gates said in a statement at

"The flush toilets we use in the wealthy world are irrelevant, impractical and impossible for 40 percent of the global population, because they often don't have access to water, and sewers, electricity, and sewage treatment systems."

My wife once spent two months in Indonesia on a mission trip.  While there, she had to throw out her used toilet paper as their septic systems could not handle toilet paper for some reason.  After a bit of discussion about it with my wife, we both concluded that the Indonesians were content to use their left hand rather than a more sanitary option like toilet paper or even a hose up their butt.

The fact is, most of these nations have no desire to make their lives easier.  I know that is a harsh reality to face, but you have to understand that no matter how much technological advancement we provide, usually at great expense to the taxpayer, these folks never seem to care for such things and prefer the old ways, for whatever reason.

At this point, given all the foreign aid, charitable organizations both religious and secular, and the various other endeavors to provide the third world a better life, I am convinced that the people who do not live in Western civilization do not share the same desires, hopes, and dreams as we do.  While there are plenty of people who live in these areas who do desire to see better things like we do, they are not in the majority.

Now, I know that many of them do not have infrastructure (code word for roads, schools, or whatever domestic agenda a Statist desires to see provided at our expense), but at the same time, if they wanted any kind of infrastructure, I suspect that they would have provided it for themselves by now, especially with all the money, time, and blood the West has poured into the Third World.

I am not saying that the Third World is ungrateful.  I am saying they simply do not care about living the complicated lives that we do in our modern, technologically driven society.  This does not cast a noble light on them either, as they are simply a different culture.

Perhaps one day in the far future, the descendants of these folks will decide that they are tired of wiping their asses with their left hands and will look to whatever power has survived the current upheaval (and any future ones to boot) and see what they are doing about it.  For now, though, I think it is time we recognized that the inhabitants of the Third World really don’t care about our technological prowess and that we stop wasting our time, money, and blood on modernizing them.  After all, as Vox Day has pointed out, it took the Brits several centuries to go from blue-assed savages to the snobbish elites we all know and love.

Bill Gates should take note of this and not waste his time or money.  Of course he will not and will try and make the toilet of tomorrow.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Reason #2 that the Federal Government is Illegitimate

Quite simply, they lack the moral authority to lead:

Allen W. Dulles, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) wrote in “The Craft of Intelligence,” “sex and hard-headed intelligence operations rarely mix well.” Perhaps the boys at the Pentagon need a refresher course.

This past week, the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency warned its staff not to view porn on U.S. government computers. The Pentagon also released a report on April’s Secret Service Colombian scandal. The two are connected.

In April, I said the Colombian scandal exposed a national security problem, the epidemic of U.S. government employees viewing porn — child porn — on government networks. I suggested readers type “Transportation Security Administration,” “U.S. State Department,” “Pentagon,” “Immigration and Customs Enforcement” and “child porn” into Google’s search field to understand the scope. I neglected to include “Missile Defense Agency.”

Bloomberg quotes a cybersecurity expert saying the Missile Defense Agency’s use of porn is concerning because “many pornographic websites are infected and criminals and foreign intelligence services such as Russia’s use them to gain access and harvest data.”

The only possible response is: Duh.

In 2006, the deputy press secretary for the Department of Homeland Security was arrested for trying to seduce online someone he thought was a teenage girl. Four years later, the Securities and Exchange Commission found that 17 of 31 employees caught accessing porn at work since 2008 — one for up to eight hours a day — were senior staff.

In 2010, the Boston Globe reported that senior Pentagon staff were downloading child porn. Instead of generating a media storm, the story died. Senior staff were watching the sexual torture of small children on Pentagon computers, and Americans were not outraged?

The latest revelation of missile-defense staff using porn should have America extremely alarmed. It is not yet confirmed if child porn was involved.

In other words, all the top staffers are looking at pornography all day long.  And not just any porn.  Child-porn.

That’s right.  Our nation’s Federal government is run by pedophiles.  And I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand here and be lectured to by a pervert:

Yes, I couldn’t resist this clip.

The Arrogance of Romney’s VP Pick

Willard “Mitt” Romney is an arrogant asshole.  I know that this is probably no big surprise to anyone who regularly read any blogs or articles worth reading, but I think his latest action merits that it be repeated.

By picking a vice presidential running mate before the Republican National Convention has been held, he is essentially saying that he has won the nomination and that the whole convention is merely a formality and not a serious discourse in politics.  Of course, most people know that it is, but whatever happened to holding to the illusion of freedom and that your vote matters.

Essentially, the Romney is telling Ron Paul, who is still in the race, that he lost and there is no hope for him getting the nomination at the convention.  Now, I know that even if the Republican party played fair and actually counted the votes correctly, instead of calling the SWAT on Ron Paul supporters at the various caucus and primary meetings, there probably still would be no hope of Ron Paul winning.

So now we have a presumptive-nominee, who has had his cronies steal as many delegates from Ron Paul as much as possible, picking a vice presidential running mate.

I wish conservatives, who are the party’s base and do steer them in the directions they go in from time to time, would have paid attention to all of these injustices and realize that they were duped into voting for Romney all along.  The entire Presidential race in the Republican party with them seemed to be a game of pick the guy who is not Romney or Paul.  There was an endless parade of “frontrunner” candidates who seemed to fill the void and each and every one of them proved to be a total douchebag.

So the conservatives, like in all the past elections, defaulted to Romney.  Now we have rallies of 10K people, where before when there 7 Republicans in the running he could barely get a few dozen to rally around him.  Somehow, he’s now a conservative and he’s picked a conservative vice president to boot.

Never mind that Paul Ryan cannot balance a Federal government budget to save his life (but it was supported by conservatives because he would ensure the continued bombing of Muslim children), has voted just about corporate bailout imaginable, and probably would’ve voted for Obamacare had it been McCaincare or Bushcare.

I am glad, however, that Romney did pick his own private boy toy to be his Vice Presidential running mate.  Those two are peas in a pod, with Romney flip-flopping so much that Teresa Heinz-Kerry probably got into Romney’s bed due to her understandable confusion and Paul Ryan spouting conservative platitudes while voting for bigger government.  Both men are more concerned with power.

It is obvious that Romney seeks to capture the uncertain conservative vote with his Paul Ryan pick.  In doing so, he has also basically given the middle finger to all the people who respected and participated in the nomination process and worked hard to make this the most honest process not seen in a long time.

But for now, let’s all drink to the Ryan and praise Romney for his wisdom in duping the dumb conservatives.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Failure of the Techno-State

Last week, I posted a blog about a how my speeding ticket was unconstitutional and how most people are willing to live with it.  Today, I’ve found this little gem:

A former D.C. police officer admitted Thursday to falsifying logs regarding the testing of mobile photo-radar cameras that issue speeding tickets — a move that resulted in the department having to refund more than $17,000 in traffic ticket fines.

Former Metropolitan Police Department Officer David Cephas‘ pleaded guilty to three counts of misdemeanor fraud in D.C. Superior Court.

According to court records, the 22-year department veteran was supposed to be monitoring photo-radar equipment during overtime shifts and taking test photographs once an hour with the cameras to ensure they were working properly. In 2008 and 2009, prosecutors said Mr. Cephas failed to take the once-an-hour shots on 33 occasions and covered up the mistakes by rolling back the clock on the radar unit in order to make it appear he had properly tested the machines.

Had the department found out at the time that he had failed to take the proper test photos, Mr. Cephas would have been suspended from his lucrative overtime duty for 90 days, court records state. As a result of the falsification of the documents, the department could not confirm the accuracy of the radar readings used to issue 200 tickets. The department refunded $17,550 in fines as a result.

The department discovered the falsified logs during an internal audit that began in May 2009, police said.

Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier issued a statement Thursday thanking her department’s internal affairs division for working “to ensure that all of our members uphold the highest standards and integrity.”

Court records indicate Mr. Cephas, who resigned from the police department as a result of his intent to plead guilty, received $17,056 from the overtime shifts that he was working when he falsified the testing records. A plea agreement indicates that he will pay back the $17,550 the department lost in revenue from the refunded tickets but does not mention any pay back of the overtime salary earned.

His attorney, Rebecca S. LeGrand, did not return a phone call requesting comment.

Mr. Cephas is scheduled to be sentenced Aug. 30. Second-degree fraud is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.

I got my speeding ticket from Montgomery County, Maryland.  For those of who live nowhere near the rim of insanity that is the DC Beltway, that’s one of the counties in Maryland that borders DC.  It is actually where many of the affluent folks of the DC-area live, along with Fairfax County, VA (tons of “McMansions” in Fairfax County).

I think I forgot to mention the human factor in those speed-ticket, motorist-raping cameras.  The human factor is where people will do the worst thing in a given situation, especially when it comes to power.  What I mean by this is that you can almost count on a person to do the worst possible thing in any given situation provided said action benefits him or her.  I know that is a bit cynical, but can you honestly say that people are generally good?

If people were generally good, then there would be no welfare state and half of America wouldn’t be on the take from the government.  But it’s in our nature to be irrationally selfish, even if that means hurting others.   In this case, the officer was merely lazy and inept, hoping to earn quick bucks by doing an overtime service that he initially thought didn’t require a whole lot of work.  As it turns out, he ended up costing the city money, because they had already spent the $17,550 they refunded, and he ended up costing the courts money to prosecute him for his sloth.

I wonder if Montgomery County shows the same due diligence with their speed cameras?  I will never know for certain because I’ve paid my fine am really unable to properly contest it as the deck is stacked against me.   And I’ve never been all that great at poker or even blackjack.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Unconstitutional Speeding Ticket

Today I got a speeding ticket in the mail.  Apparently I was 13 mph over the speeding limit in a work zone, which under Montgomery County Maryland law, is a violation.  I never got pulled over but was flagged by a speed camera and sent the ticket by mail.

The whole thing is unconstitutional and is really just extortion.  Let me explain:

  • On the front of the page, it indicates that if I pay the fine, then I am admitting liability.  However, if I do not pay the fine, I am still liable, just that now I can have my license suspended.  In other words, I am guilty either way, there is no innocent until proven guilty, and if I don’t pay them, I suffer more consequences.  If I were a private citizen doing this, I would be in jail for racketeering.
  • If I were to contest it, the speed camera operator is not required to appear in court when I appear.  In other words, I am not allowed to face my accuser in court, which is a clear violation of the US Constitution, specifically Amendment 6.  Granted, I can request that he or she show up, but that’s not the point.  If I am to contest this, then he or she should be there without my request.  I am sorry, but this does not pass constitutional muster in my book.  I know there is probably some legal argument to be made that my accuser is available upon request, but that’s total bullshit.  It is the State that is accusing me and therefore, they have to provide the accuser when I show up, wait for me to request him or her.
  • If I show up for my court date, I will not get a trial by jury nor will there be a one available upon request.  In Article 3 Section 2 of the Constitution it states that all trials are to be by jury unless they are cases of impeachment.  In other words, I have been accused of a crime by the State and they are failing to fulfill their duty-bound rules to provide a jury trial.  Yes it is only a speeding ticket, but there is no language in the Constitution that makes exceptions for the magnitude of the crime.
  • I know that speed cameras can be accurate but they are just machines.  How can I contest this and have factual evidence that the speed cameras were working properly.  According to the ticket, it is a violation if I am 12 mph over the speed limit in a work zone.  How do I know that it wasn’t off by 2 or 3 mph when it measured me?  How does the operator not know that?  I know that in theory it is accurate, but these cameras are outside in the inclement weather and extreme temperatures everyday where machinery, even simple devices, can break down.

In short, this whole thing is nothing but a scam.  There were no workman on the road that day, I do not get a fair trial, and I am assumed to be guilty until proven innocent.  Welcome to the police state folks where your rights are about as meaningful as the jobs these worthless bureaucrats hold.

I am going to pay the fine though because I have no easy option otherwise.  The alternative is to go court, lose, and then have to pay for the court costs.  The court system has never been favorable of the individual because they are there largely to rubber stamp the actions of the State.  So it is either pay them or lose more money and time when I don’t.

I hope you people are happy with the government you’ve created with your worthless voting, especially the elites who live in Montgomery County Maryland (and there are many of them).  This is all because you people allowed assholes to take office rather than stepping up, paying attention, and telling these people off.

But there will be no more changes in the future because the vast majority of Americans would rather see a national collapse of our nation than actually fix something.

Massive Correction to Yesterday's Post

It has brought to my attention from someone who pays more attention to pop news than I do, that Truett Cathy did not make anti-gay marriage statements but his son, Dan Cathy did. So just read yesterday's blog post with the "Truett" replaced with "Dan" and you'll be fine.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Truett Cathy’s Unsurprising Statements and the Predictable Results

So I’ve decided to take some time and discuss what I think about the whole Chick fil-A controversy, where Truett Cathy declared (to no surprise to anyone sane) that he was against gay marriage.  Sure, I could discuss how Congress just decided to allow the government to keep spending money it doesn’t have, in the same way that a high-heeled, annoying wife spends her husband’s credit cards, or I could talk about how Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke just told everyone in the United States who is frugal and saves their money to go and fuck themselves, but why would I discuss really important issues?

Truett Cathy has never hidden his faith.  You may not agree with it and you may think that he’s a little batty when it comes to religious matters and that’s fine.  But he has never hidden it nor has he ever forced it upon anyone.  I have never heard of a employee who has complained about being bullied about being atheist while working for Chick fil-A.  I doubt Truett Cathy has any religious tests for the people he hires or makes it a company policy.  As a free marketeer, I believe he is free to do so yet in spite of this, he has not.

The mere fact that he requires all his restaurants to be off on Sunday states two things: one that he is a man of conviction and two that he is willing to provide his retail workers a better deal than they get anywhere else.  There is almost no retail restaurant or store out there that consistently closes down on a Sunday.  If anything, they remain open to get the Sunday Christian after-Church lunches (although the waiters will get Bible Tracks for tips).  Not even Family Christian Bookstore closes on Sunday and, in fact, requires their employees to work one Sunday a month.

In any case, people had to have known what his stances were on these political matters.  I mean, it was fairly obvious to me and I didn’t really care about it either way.  But apparently, if someone expresses their belief that the sexual behaviors of 1.5% of the population is immoral based on their faith in a higher power, you have somehow gone too far.  You’d think he was rounding them up and sending them into concentration camps given the rhetoric from the mainstream press, which has done what it does best in every polarizing issue: make it worse.

I don’t agree with Truett Cathy on this issue as I disagree with both social liberals and social conservatives on this issue.  I believe that the government should just stay entirely out of the marriage business (and make no mistake, it is a business), cease issuing marriage licenses and let the various religious institutions set up their own standards.  I believe that our religious (and non-religious) leaders have done a piss-poor job of standing up for their convictions in these matter and simply deferred to the authority of government, a fallible human institution.  If anything, Truett Cathy has more courage than the vast majority of our pastors in America in the fear that they will be associated with the Democrat party supporting Fred Phelps, head of the cult known as Westboro Baptist Church.

I don’t know if Truett Cathy cares about all this, although I’m sure he’s happy at the increased business that resulted.  I fairly certain he did not care about the repercussions about his statements and was simply stating who he was and what he believes.  Someone having the courage to stand on their principles, even in the face of possible negative consequences, is rare these days.  He should be admired for his conviction, even if you disagree with him, not bashed and thrashed for it.  Of course, the mainstream press would go down on a spineless politician at any time on any given day but if someone touts his principles and stands by them, he’s somehow a kook and a freak.

I’m glad I don’t have cable television service anymore.